David N Lesh
Portland Oregon Criminal Defense Attorney

Former Multnomah County prosecutor
Oregon Super Lawyer 2018 - 2024

Call me today to speak about your charges. 
(503) 546-2928
Photo of attorney David Lesh


I just got arrested / cited for an Oregon criminal charge.  What happens now?

If you were arrested for a misdemeanor or a low level felony charge, you were probably given a citation or release agreement directing you to appear in court at a future date.  Make sure you know when and where you are scheduled to appear.  Do not miss your court date, and be on time.


If you were arrested for a serious felony charge (or a domestic violence offense), you will most likely be booked into custody and brought before a judge the next business day.  If you are held in custody, you may have bail set.  In Oregon, we do not use a bail bond system.  You may be required to post 10% of the bail amount.  For example, on a $50,000 bail, you may be required to post $5,000 to be released.  For many felony and most misdemeanor charges, defendants are often released pending trial even if they are unable to post bail.  


Prior to your first court appearance, the county district attorney's office (or the city attorney's office if you are cited to appear in a municipal court) will review the police reports and make a decision about what charges to file against you.  The prosecutor's office will either (1) issue the same charge(s) that you were arrested for; (2) add, delete, or file different charges against you; or (3)  no-complaint your case (issue no charges against you). 


You will find out exactly what charges you're facing at your first court appearance.  [This court appearance is sometimes referred to as an "arraignment" or an "initial appearance."] 


If you were arrested for a DUII (drunk driving) charge, please visit the Oregon DUII Information website. 


What should I do if I suspect that I am under investigation for a criminal offense?


Adopt my Ten Habits of Highly Successful Criminals (though the title is tongue in cheek, the advice is genuine):


  1.  When contacted by law enforcement, invoke your right to silence.  Do not make admissions; do not confess; do not lie.  Simply say, "I don't want to speak with you."  Repeat this as many times as it takes. Confession may be good for the soul but it is the single most damaging thing you can do to yourself in a criminal investigation.

  2.  When contacted by law enforcement, invoke your right to counsel.  Tell the officer, “I want a lawyer.”  Repeat this over and over.  Be polite but firm. 

  3.  Do not allow yourself to be manipulated by the police.  The best police interrogators are master manipulators.  When an officer says, "Why do you need an attorney if you're innocent?" he is attempting to manipulate you into waiving your constitutional rights to silence and counsel.  Refer again to Habits 1 and 2.

  4.  Do not consent to any search.  Always insist that the police get a search warrant.  [If the police have a valid search warrant, they are permitted to search over your objection.]

  5.  Do not take a police polygraph (lie detector) examination.  Refer again to Habit 3.  [Discuss whether a private polygraph examination is in your best interest with your attorney.]

  6.  Beware of the pre-text phone call.  When investigating certain crimes, especially sex offenses, law enforcement may direct the complaining witness to telephone the suspect in an attempt to elicit admissions or other incriminating statements.  Unbeknownst to the suspect, these calls are monitored by law enforcement, are recorded, and will be played at your trial.

  7.  Beware of the computer.  Email, instant messages, browser history, digital photographs, and other information stored on your hard drive or in the cloud may be accessed by law enforcement computer specialists even when you think it has been deleted.  Craigslist, Facebook, Backpage, and Twitter are not your friends.  Remember the words of Eliot Spitzer, "Never write when you can talk. Never talk when you can nod. And never put anything in an email."

  8.  Beware of cellular phones.  Detailed call records, voice mail messages, photographs, text messages, and suspect tracking though triangulation frequently aid law enforcement investigations.

  9.  Contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as you believe you are under investigation.

10.  Beware of jail telephone calls.  Law enforcement monitor and record jail calls.  Don't talk about your case with anyone (other than your lawyer) on a jail phone; don't talk to the complaining witness (victim) on your case; don't threaten anyone.   

How much jail / prison time will I have to do if I am convicted?  What will be my punishment?

By definition, conviction of any criminal offense comes with the possibility of jail / prison time.  However, many convictions result in little or no time in custody.  The amount of incarceration (jail or prison) received will depend on a number of factors, including (but not limited to) the following:


•  the crime(s) for which you're convicted;

•  your criminal history, if any;

•  which Oregon county court or municipal court your case is in;

•  what judge you are sentenced by;

•  whether the judge feels you have accepted responsibility for your actions.


What is the difference between jail and prison?

Jail refers to your local county detention facility e.g. the Multnomah County Jail / Clackamas County Jail / Washington County Jail.  People generally serve time in jail if they are being held pending trial or if they are serving a sentence of a year or less. 


Prisons are state correctional facilities where people generally serve sentences greater than one year.

I really don't want to go to jail or prison.  Is there any way to avoid time in custody?

Maybe.  Some jurisdictions offer alternatives to short jail sentences.  These may include community service, work release, work crew, home confinement also known as electronic monitoring.  Sometimes jail (for sentences of one year or less) or prison (sentences of more than one year) is the only option.  Talk to your lawyer about what may be available to you.  Some serious felony (including Ballot Measure 11) crimes come with lengthy mandatory minimum prison sentences.

What is the maximum penalties that I face for the crime(s) I'm accused of committing in the State of Oregon?

In Oregon (and nationwide), felonies are the most serious crimes and misdemeanors are considered less serious.  In Oregon, both felonies and misdemeanors are classified by degrees of seriousness.


Class A Felony 20 years / $375,000 fine
Class B Felony 10 years / $250,000 fine
Class C Felony 5 years / $125,000 fine
Class A Misdemeanor 364 days / $6,250 fine
Class B Misdemeanor 6 months / $2,500 fine
Class C Misdemeanor 30 days / $1,250 fine


Keep in mind that there are a few exceptions to the above table.  First, there are a small number of unclassified misdemeanors and unclassified felonies.  Second, there are a few mandatory minimum statutes that can supersede the maximums described above.  Realistically, few people ever receive the maximum jail / prison time or the maxium fine.

What other kind of penalties might I face if I'm convicted of a crime in Oregon?

If you're convicted of a misdemeanor and many felony crimes, you will almost certainly be placed on probation for a year or more.  While on probation, Oregon law requires you to comply with a number of standard conditions of probation.  These include: 

  • Paying monthly supervision fees, court fines, restitution and other fees ordered by the court [the court does not bill you each month; it is YOUR responsibility to remember to make your  monthly payments];

  • Not using or possessing any controlled substances except pursuant to a valid prescription;

  • Submitting to (urine or other) testing for controlled substance or alcohol use if the probationer has a history of substance abuse or if there is a reasonable suspicion that the probationer has illegally used controlled substances;

  • Participating in a substance abuse evaluation and follow the recommendations of the evaluator if there are reasonable grounds to believe there is a history of substance abuse;

  • Remaining in Oregon until written permission to leave is granted by the Department of Corrections or a county community corrections agency (hereinafter, the probation department);

  • If physically able, finding and maintaining full-time employment, approved schooling, or a full-time combination of both;

  • Changing neither employment nor residence without prior permission from the probation department;

  • Permitting the parole and probation officer to visit the probationer or the probationer’s work site or residence and to conduct a walk-through of the common areas and of the rooms in the residence occupied by or under the control of the probationer;

  • Consenting to the search of person, vehicle or premises upon the request of a representative of the supervising officer if the supervising officer has reasonable grounds to believe that evidence of a violation will be found, and submit to fingerprinting or photographing, or both, when requested by the probation department;

  • Obeying all municipal, county, state and federal laws;

  • Promptly and truthfully answering all reasonable inquiries by the probation department;

  • Not possessing weapons, firearms or dangerous animals;

  • Participating in a mental health evaluation as directed by your probation officer and follow the recommendation of the evaluator;

  • Reporting as required and abide by the direction of your probation officer.

Will I get the bail back that I posted to get released from custody?

Assuming that you make all your court dates, bail is refunded to whoever posted it a few weeks after your case is over / closed.  The Sheriff's Office does keep a portion of the bail amount as an administrative (because we can) fee.  If you fail to appear for court, bail is usually forfeited. 


Sometimes the court, orders that fines / fees / restitution be paid out of whatever bail has been posted in a case.  If you owe back child support, fines on other cases, etc., the State will apply the posted bail to these older matters as well.  Keep this in mind before you post bail for a friend or family member.

Will I lose right to vote in Oregon if  I'm convicted of a felony?

You will not be able to vote if you're incarcerated (in jail or prison); however, once released you will be able to vote.


ORS 137.275 Effect of felony conviction on civil and political rights of felon. Except as otherwise provided by law, a person convicted of a felony does not suffer civil death or disability, or sustain loss of civil rights or forfeiture of estate or property, but retains all of the rights of the person, political, civil and otherwise, including, but not limited to, the right to vote, to hold, receive and transfer property, to enter into contracts, including contracts of marriage, and to maintain and defend civil actions, suits or proceedings.


Since my arrest I've received letters from various lawyers / treatment providers.  How did these people find out that I was arrested?

In Oregon, adult arrest and suspension records are "public records" and are subject to disclosure upon written request.  Some attorneys and treatment providers make public record requests from government agencies in order to obtain a list of persons arrested for certain offenses.  After receiving the arrest / suspension information, the firm sends a letter outlining their services.  Keep in mind that even though these records are "public," individual records are usually not accessible unless specifically requested. 


Mug shots are no longer public records which is why they are no longer typically released by following an arrest.

My name / arrest is on the internet.  How do I remove it?

This is one of the most common types of questions criminal defense lawyers receive.  Your mugshot may be on the internet (from an older arrest) or maybe a news organization put up a blurb from a law enforcement press release.  This is common in commercial sexual solicitation charges.


The short answer is that unfortunately most things on the internet cannot be removed.  If your case is dismissed or later expunged, you may convince some organizations to remove the post.


The best resource I have found is this blog post from Abine, Inc.  Follow those tips.  Pay particular attention to the advice of putting up positive content about yourself.  Well optimized positive content will "push down" negative content in the search engine results.  Many "reputation management" companies use this technique.  You can save money by publishing positive content about yourself.  Also read this post from google about removing items from search results.

Will I be able to vacate, seal or expunge my Oregon arrest or conviction?

Maybe.  Oregon law does allow some arrests and some convictions to be sealed / expunged.  Generally, only certain misdemeanors and low level felony convictions can be expunged.  Oregon law does not allow an individual to seal or expunge sex crime convictions, most traffic arrests or any traffic convictions, and Class A felony convictions (except racketeering). 


Talk to an Oregon criminal defense attorney for specifics on your situation.  It is strongly recommended that you move to expunge your arrest / conviction just as soon as you are eligible to do so.  Expungement does not happen "automatically."

How do I order a copy of "my record?"

You can order a copy of your criminal history through either the State of Oregon or the FBI.  Learn more here and here.

Am I required to notify anyone if I am arrested or convicted of a crime?

As a general rule, no.  However, there are many exceptions for professionals who are licensed by a state government or the federal government.  For example, if you are an Oregon health professional that is (1) license by; or (2) certified by; or (3) registered with one of the following Boards:

  • State Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology;

  • State Board of Chiropractic Examiners (chiropractors);

  • State Board of Licensed Social Workers;

  • Oregon Board of Licensed Professional Counselors and Therapists;

  • Oregon Board of Dentistry (Dentists);

  • Board of Licensed Dietitians;

  • State Board of Massage Therapists;

  • Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine;

  • Oregon State Board of Nursing (Nurse, RN’s);

  •  Long Term Care Administrators Board;

  • Oregon Board of Optometry (Optometrists);

  • State Board of Pharmacy (Pharmacists);

  • Oregon Medical Board (Doctors, Physicians, Surgeons);

  • Occupational Therapy Licensing Board (Occupational Therapists);

  • Oregon Board of Physical Therapy;

  • Oregon Board of Psychology;

  • Board of Medical Imaging;

  • State Board of Direct Entry Midwifery (Midwives);

  • State Board of Denture Technology (Denturists);

  • Respiratory Therapist and Polysomnographic Technologist Licensing Board;

  • Oregon Health Authority to the extent that the authority licenses emergency medical services providers;

  • Oregon State Veterinary Medical Examining Board (Veterinarians, Vets); or

  • State Mortuary and Cemetery Board.

Then you must self-report either a misdemeanor or felony conviction within 10 days of the conviction or if you are arrested for a felony, you must report the arrest within 10 days of the arrest.  Speak to your attorney or refer to ORS 676.150 for more information.

What is meant by the term "criminal offense" or "crime" in Oregon?

A crime is an offense for which a sentence of imprisonment (either jail or prison) is authorized.  Crimes are classified as either a felonies or a misdemeanors.

What is a misdemeanor?

A crime is a misdemeanor if the statute designates the offense as a misdemeanor or if the maximum term of imprisonment is not more that one year.  Misdemeanors are classified as either Class A misdemeanors; Class B misdemeanors; Class C misdemeanors; and unclassified misdemeanors.  See ORS 161.545.

What is a felony?

A crime is a felony if the statute designates the offense as a felony or if the maximum term of imprisonment is more than one year.  Felonies are classified as either Class A felonies; Class B felonies; Class C felonies; and unclassified felonies.  See ORS 161.535.

When does my misdemeanor / felony fall off my record in Oregon?

Crimes never come off your record unless you move to seal / expunge your record and that motion is granted by the court.  If you're convicted of a crime it will remain on your record forever unless and until you move to have it sealed.  If your case / charge is dismissed, you'll have no conviction but the arrest will remain on your record unless the arrest is later sealed / expunged. 

Tip:  As soon as you're eligible to seal your arrest / conviction record, do so immediately.

Where can I find a list of all Oregon crimes?

Oregon criminal charges (misdemeanors and felonies) are found in the Oregon Revised Statutes (known as ORS).  These offenses apply statewide.  Keep in mind that some municipalities have a city code that can criminalize certain conduct.  City code violations are at most misdemeanors and apply only in the city itself (not statewide). 

While it is impractical to list each and every criminal charge, the following is a list of most Oregon crimes.  Note that a few of the offenses below are non-criminal violations.

ORS 162.015  Bribe giving

ORS 162.025  Bribe receiving

ORS 162.065  Perjury

ORS 162.075  False swearing

ORS 162.085  Unsworn falsification

ORS 162.117  Public investment fraud

ORS 162.145  Escape in the third degree

ORS 162.155  Escape in the second degree

ORS 162.165  Escape in the first degree

ORS 162.175  Unauthorized departure

ORS 162.185  Supplying contraband

ORS 162.195  Failure to appear in the second degree

ORS 162.205  Failure to appear in the first degree

ORS 162.235  Obstructing governmental or judicial administration

ORS 162.245  Refusing to assist a peace officer

ORS 162.247  Interfering with a peace officer or parole and probation officer

ORS 162.255  Refusing to assist in fire-fighting operations

ORS 162.257  Interfering with a firefighter or emergency medical technician

ORS 162.265  Bribing a witness

ORS 162.275  Bribe receiving by a witness

ORS 162.285  Tampering with a witness

ORS 162.295  Tampering with physical evidence

ORS 162.305  Tampering with public records

ORS 162.315  Resisting arrest

ORS 162.325  Hindering prosecution

ORS 162.335  Compounding

ORS 162.355  Simulating legal process

ORS 162.365  Criminal impersonation

ORS 162.367  Criminal impersonation of peace officer

ORS 162.369  Possession of false law enforcement identification card

ORS 162.375  Initiating a false report

ORS 162.385  Giving false information to peace officer for a citation or arrest on a warrant (See also ORS 807.620)

ORS 162.405  Official misconduct in the second degree

ORS 162.415  Official misconduct in the first degree

ORS 162.425  Misuse of confidential information

ORS 162.455  Interfering with legislative operations

ORS 162.465  Unlawful legislative lobbying

ORS 163.095  Aggravated murder

ORS 163.115  Murder

ORS 163.118  Manslaughter in the first degree

ORS 163.125  Manslaughter in the second degree

ORS 163.145  Criminally negligent homicide

ORS 163.149  Aggravated vehicular homicide

ORS 163.160  Assault in the fourth degree

ORS 163.165  Assault in the third degree

ORS 163.175  Assault in the second degree

ORS 163.185  Assault in the first degree

ORS 163.187  Strangulation

ORS 163.190  Menacing

ORS 163.195  Recklessly endangering another person           

ORS 163.196  Aggravated driving while suspended or revoked

ORS 163.197  Hazing

ORS 163.200  Criminal mistreatment in the second degree

ORS 163.205  Criminal mistreatment in the first degree

ORS 163.207  Female genital mutilation

ORS 163.208  Assaulting a public safety officer

ORS 163.212  Unlawful use of an electrical stun gun, tear gas or mace in the second degree

ORS 163.213  Unlawful use of an electrical stun gun, tear gas or mace in the first degree

ORS 163.225  Kidnapping in the second degree

ORS 163.235  Kidnapping in the first degree

ORS 163.245  Custodial interference in the second degree

ORS 163.257  Custodial interference in the first degree

ORS 163.263  Subjecting another person to involuntary servitude in the second degree

ORS 163.264  Subjecting another person to involuntary servitude in the first degree

ORS 163.266  Trafficking in persons

ORS 163.275  Coercion

ORS 163.355  Rape in the third degree

ORS 163.365  Rape in the second degree

ORS 163.375  Rape in the first degree

ORS 163.385  Sodomy in the third degree

ORS 163.395  Sodomy in the second degree

ORS 163.405  Sodomy in the first degree

ORS 163.408  Unlawful sexual penetration in the second degree

ORS 163.411  Unlawful sexual penetration in the first degree

ORS 163.415  Sexual abuse in the third degree

ORS 163.425  Sexual abuse in the second degree

ORS 163.427  Sexual abuse in the first degree

ORS 163.432  Online sexual corruption of a child in the second degree

ORS 163.433  Online sexual corruption of a child in the first degree

ORS 163.435  Contributing to the sexual delinquency of a minor

ORS 163.445  Sexual misconduct

ORS 163.452  Custodial sexual misconduct in the first degree

ORS 163.454  Custodial sexual misconduct in the second degree

ORS 163.465  Public indecency

ORS 163.466  Public indecency; felony; sentencing classification

ORS 163.467  Private indecency

ORS 163.476  Unlawfully being in a location where children regularly congregate

ORS 163.479  Unlawful contact with a child

ORS 163.515  Bigamy

ORS 163.525  Incest

ORS 163.535  Abandonment of a child

ORS 163.537  Buying or selling a person under 18 years of age

ORS 163.545  Child neglect in the second degree

ORS 163.547  Child neglect in the first degree

ORS 163.555  Criminal nonsupport

ORS 163.575  Endangering the welfare of a minor

ORS 163.577  Failing to supervise a child

ORS 163.670  Using child in display of sexually explicit conduct

ORS 163.684  Encouraging child sexual abuse in the first degree

ORS 163.686  Encouraging child sexual abuse in the second degree

ORS 163.687  Encouraging child sexual abuse in the third degree

ORS 163.688  Possession of materials depicting sexually explicit conduct of a child in the first degree

ORS 163.689  Possession of materials depicting sexually explicit conduct of a child in the second degree

ORS 163.693  Failure to report child pornography

ORS 163.700  Invasion of personal privacy

ORS 163.709  Unlawful directing of light from a laser pointer

ORS 163.732  Stalking

ORS 163.750  Violating court’s stalking protective order

ORS 164.043  Theft in the third degree

ORS 164.045  Theft in the second degree

ORS 164.055  Theft in the first degree

ORS 164.057  Aggravated theft in the first degree

ORS 164.065  Theft of lost, mislaid property

ORS 164.075  Theft by extortion

ORS 164.085  Theft by deception

ORS 164.095  Theft by receiving

ORS 164.098  Organized retail theft

ORS 164.125  Theft of services

ORS 164.132  Unlawful distribution of cable television equipment

ORS 164.135  Unauthorized use of a vehicle

ORS 164.138  Criminal possession of a rented or leased motor vehicle

ORS 164.140  Criminal possession of rented or leased personal property

ORS 164.162  Mail theft or receipt of stolen mail

ORS 164.170  Laundering a monetary instrument

ORS 164.172  Engaging in a financial transaction in property derived from unlawful activity

ORS 164.215  Burglary in the second degree

ORS 164.225  Burglary in the first degree

ORS 164.235  Possession of a burglary tool or theft device

ORS 164.243  Criminal trespass in the second degree by a guest

ORS 164.245  Criminal trespass in the second degree

ORS 164.255  Criminal trespass in the first degree

ORS 164.265  Criminal trespass while in possession of firearm

ORS 164.272  Unlawful entry into motor vehicle

ORS 164.278  Criminal trespass at sports event

ORS 164.315  Arson in the second degree

ORS 164.325  Arson in the first degree

ORS 164.335  Reckless burning

ORS 164.345  Criminal mischief in the third degree

ORS 164.354  Criminal mischief in the second degree

ORS 164.365  Criminal mischief in the first degree

ORS 164.373  Tampering with cable television equipment

ORS 164.377  Computer crime

ORS 164.383  Unlawfully applying graffiti

ORS 164.386  Unlawfully possessing graffiti implement

ORS 164.395  Robbery in the third degree

ORS 164.405  Robbery in the second degree

ORS 164.415  Robbery in the first degree

ORS 164.775  Deposit of trash within 100 yards of waters or in waters

ORS 164.785  Placing offensive substances in waters, on highways or other property

ORS 164.805  Offensive littering

ORS 164.813  Unlawful cutting and transport of special forest products

ORS 164.815  Unlawful transport of hay

ORS 164.825  Cutting and transport of coniferous trees without permit or bill of sale

ORS 164.857  Unlawful transport of metal property

ORS 164.863  Unlawful transport of meat animal carcasses

ORS 164.865  Unlawful sound recording

ORS 164.868  Unlawful labeling of a sound recording

ORS 164.869  Unlawful recording of a live performance

ORS 164.872  Unlawful labeling of a videotape recording

ORS 164.875  Unlawful videotape recording

ORS 164.882  Unlawful operation of an audiovisual device

ORS 164.885  Endangering aircraft

ORS 164.886  Unlawful tree spiking; unlawful possession of substance that can damage certain wood processing equipment

ORS 164.887  Interference with agricultural operations

ORS 164.889  Interference with agricultural research

ORS 165.007  Forgery in the second degree

ORS 165.013  Forgery in the first degree

ORS 165.017  Criminal possession of a forged instrument in the second degree

ORS 165.022  Criminal possession of a forged instrument in the first degree

ORS 165.032  Criminal possession of a forgery device

ORS 165.037  Criminal simulation

ORS 165.042  Fraudulently obtaining a signature

ORS 165.047  Unlawfully using slugs

ORS 165.055  Fraudulent use of a credit card

ORS 165.065  Negotiating a bad check

ORS 165.070  Possessing fraudulent communications device

ORS 165.074  Unlawful factoring of payment card transaction

ORS 165.080  Falsifying business records

ORS 165.085  Sports bribery

ORS 165.090  Sports bribe receiving

ORS 165.095  Misapplication of entrusted property

ORS 165.100  Issuing a false financial statement

ORS 165.102  Obtaining execution of documents by deception

ORS 165.107  Metal property transaction records; prohibited conduct

ORS 165.109  Failing to maintain a cedar purchase record

ORS 165.114  Sale of educational assignments

ORS 165.118  Metal property offenses

ORS 165.485  Wrongful alteration of telegraphic message

ORS 165.490  Use by company agent of information contained in message

ORS 165.495  Refusing to send or deliver message or sending message out of order

ORS 165.505  Opening or procuring telegraphic message addressed to another

ORS 165.510  Learning contents of telegraphic message sent to another

ORS 165.515  Bribery of telegraph company agents to disclose contents of message

ORS 165.520  Opening, reading or publishing letter

ORS 165.540  Obtaining contents of communications

ORS 165.543  Interception of communications

ORS 165.555  Unlawful telephone solicitation of contributions for charitable purposes

ORS 165.570  Improper use of emergency reporting system

ORS 165.572  Interference with making a report

ORS 165.577  Cellular counterfeiting in the third degree

ORS 165.579  Cellular counterfeiting in the second degree

ORS 165.581  Cellular counterfeiting in the first degree

ORS 165.692  Making false claim for health care payment

ORS 165.800  Identity theft

ORS 165.803  Aggravated identity theft

ORS 165.805  Misrepresentation of age by a minor

ORS 165.810  Unlawful possession of a personal identification device

ORS 165.813  Unlawful possession of fictitious identification

ORS 165.825  Sale of drugged horse

ORS 166.005  Treason

ORS 166.015  Riot

ORS 166.023  Disorderly conduct in the first degree

ORS 166.025  Disorderly conduct in the second degree

ORS 166.065  Harassment

ORS 166.070  Aggravated harassment

ORS 166.075  Abuse of venerated objects

ORS 166.076  Abuse of a memorial to the dead

ORS 166.085  Abuse of corpse in the second degree

ORS 166.087  Abuse of corpse in the first degree

ORS 166.090  Telephonic harassment

ORS 166.095  Misconduct with emergency telephone calls

ORS 166.116  Interfering with public transportation

ORS 166.119  Interfering with a health care facility

ORS 166.125  Domestic terrorism in the second degree

ORS 166.128  Domestic terrorism in the first degree

ORS 166.155  Bias crime in the second degree

ORS 166.165  Bias crime in the first degree

ORS 166.180  Negligently wounding another

ORS 166.190  Pointing firearm at another; courts having jurisdiction over offense

ORS 166.220  Unlawful use of weapon

ORS 166.240  Carrying of concealed weapons

ORS 166.250  Unlawful possession of firearms

ORS 166.265  Manufacture, importation, or sale of undetectable weapons

ORS 166.266  Sale, transfer or possession of firearm without serial number

ORS 166.267  Importation, sale, transfer or possession of unfinished frame or receiver

ORS 166.270  Possession of weapons by certain felons

ORS 166.272  Unlawful possession of machine guns, certain short-barreled firearms and firearms silencers

ORS 166.275  Possession of weapons by inmates of institutions

ORS 166.350  Unlawful possession of armor piercing ammunition

ORS 166.355  Manufacture, importation, possession, use, purchase, sale or transfer of large-capacity magazine

ORS 166.370  Possession of firearm or dangerous weapon in public building or court facility; exceptions; discharging firearm at school

ORS 166.373  Possession of weapon in court facility by peace officer or federal officer

ORS 166.380  Examination of firearm by peace officer; arrest for failure to allow examination

ORS 166.382  Possession of destructive device prohibited

ORS 166.384  Unlawful manufacture of destructive device

ORS 166.385  Possession of hoax destructive device

ORS 166.410  Manufacture, importation or sale of firearms

ORS 166.416  Providing false information in connection with a transfer of a firearm

ORS 166.418  Improperly transferring a firearm

ORS 166.425  Unlawful purchase of firearm

ORS 166.630  Discharging weapon on or across highway, ocean shore recreation area or public utility facility

ORS 166.635  Discharging weapon or throwing objects at trains

ORS 166.638  Discharging weapon across airport operational surfaces

ORS 166.642  Felon in possession of body armor

ORS 166.643  Unlawful possession of body armor

ORS 166.645  Hunting in cemeteries prohibited

ORS 166.649  Throwing an object off an overpass in the second degree

ORS 166.651  Throwing an object off an overpass in the first degree

ORS 166.660  Unlawful paramilitary activity

ORS 166.663  Casting artificial light from vehicle while possessing certain weapons prohibited

ORS 166.720  Racketeering activity unlawful

ORS 167.007  Prostitution

ORS 167.008  Commercial Sexual Solicitation

ORS 167.012  Promoting prostitution

ORS 167.017  Compelling prostitution

ORS 167.054  Furnishing sexually explicit material to a child

ORS 167.057  Luring a minor

ORS 167.075  Exhibiting an obscene performance to a minor

ORS 167.080  Displaying obscene materials to minors

ORS 167.109  Internet gambling

ORS 167.122  Unlawful gambling in the second degree

ORS 167.127  Unlawful gambling in the first degree

ORS 167.132  Possession of gambling records in the second degree

ORS 167.137  Possession of gambling records in the first degree

ORS 167.147  Possession of a gambling device

ORS 167.164  Possession of gray machine

ORS 167.167  Cheating

ORS 167.212  Tampering with drug records

ORS 167.222  Frequenting a place where controlled substances are used

ORS 167.262  Adult using minor in commission of controlled substance offense

ORS 167.312  Research and animal interference

ORS 167.315  Animal abuse in the second degree

ORS 167.320  Animal abuse in the first degree

ORS 167.322  Aggravated animal abuse in the first degree

ORS 167.325  Animal neglect in the second degree

ORS 167.330  Animal neglect in the first degree

ORS 167.333  Sexual assault of animal

ORS 167.337  Interfering with law enforcement animal

ORS 167.339  Assaulting law enforcement animal

ORS 167.340  Animal abandonment

ORS 167.349  Encouraging animal abuse

ORS 167.351  Trading in non-ambulatory livestock

ORS 167.352  Interfering with assistance, search and rescue or therapy animal

ORS 167.355  Involvement in animal fighting

ORS 167.365  Dog-fighting

ORS 167.370  Participation in dog-fighting

ORS 167.372  Possessing dog-fighting paraphernalia

ORS 167.374  Possession of dogs for purpose of breeding

ORS 167.385  Unauthorized use of livestock animal

ORS 167.388  Interference with livestock production

ORS 167.390  Commerce in fur of domestic cats and dogs prohibited; exception

ORS 167.400  Tobacco possession by minors prohibited

ORS 167.401  Tobacco purchase by minors prohibited

ORS 167.428  Cockfighting

ORS 167.431  Participation in cockfighting

ORS 167.502  Sale of certain items at unused property market prohibited

ORS 167.808  Unlawful possession of inhalants

ORS 167.810  Creating a hazard

ORS 167.820  Concealing the birth of an infant

ORS 167.822  Improper repair of vehicle inflatable restraint system

ORS 167.824  Unlawful possession of un-deployed air bags or air bag canisters

ORS 167.830  Employment of minors in place of public entertainment

ORS 468.922  Unlawful disposal, storage or treatment of hazardous waste in the second degree

ORS 468.926  Unlawful disposal, storage or treatment of hazardous waste in the first degree

ORS 468.929  Unlawful transport of hazardous waste in the second degree

ORS 468.931  Unlawful transport of hazardous waste in the first degree

ORS 468.936  Unlawful air pollution in the second degree

ORS 468.939  Unlawful air pollution in the first degree

ORS 468.943  Unlawful water pollution in the second degree

ORS 468.946  Unlawful water pollution in the first degree

ORS 468.951  Environmental endangerment

ORS 468.953  Supplying false information to agency

ORS 468.956  Refusal to produce material subpoenaed by commission

ORS 471.410  Providing liquor to person under 21 or to intoxicated person; allowing consumption by minor on property

ORS 471.430  Purchase or possession of alcoholic beverages by person under 21; entry of licensed premises by person under 21

ORS 475.806  Unlawful manufacture of hydrocodone

ORS 475.808  Unlawful manufacture of hydrocodone within 1,000 feet of a school

ORS 475.810  Unlawful delivery of hydrocodone

ORS 475.812  Unlawful delivery of hydrocodone within 1,000 feet of a school

ORS 475.814  Unlawful possession of hydrocodone

ORS 475.816  Unlawful manufacture of methadone

ORS 475.818  Unlawful manufacture of methadone within 1,000 feet of school

ORS 475.820  Unlawful delivery of methadone

ORS 475.822  Unlawful delivery of methadone within 1,000 feet of school

ORS 475.824  Unlawful possession of methadone

ORS 475.826  Unlawful manufacture of oxycodone

ORS 475.828  Unlawful manufacture of oxycodone within 1,000 feet of school

ORS 475.830  Unlawful delivery of oxycodone

ORS 475.832  Unlawful delivery of oxycodone within 1,000 feet of school

ORS 475.834  Unlawful possession of oxycodone

ORS 475.846  Unlawful manufacture of heroin

ORS 475.848  Unlawful manufacture of heroin within 1,000 feet of school

ORS 475.850  Unlawful delivery of heroin

ORS 475.852  Unlawful delivery of heroin within 1,000 feet of school

ORS 475.854  Unlawful possession of heroin

ORS 475.856  Unlawful manufacture of marijuana

ORS 475.858  Unlawful manufacture of marijuana within 1,000 feet of school

ORS 475.860  Unlawful delivery of marijuana

ORS 475.862  Unlawful delivery of marijuana within 1,000 feet of school

ORS 475.864  Unlawful possession of marijuana

ORS 475.866  Unlawful manufacture of 3,4-methylene- dioxymethamphetamine

ORS 475.868  Unlawful manufacture of 3,4-methylene- dioxymethamphetamine within 1,000 feet of school

ORS 475.870  Unlawful delivery of 3,4-methylenedioxy- methamphetamine

ORS 475.872  Unlawful delivery of 3,4-methylenedioxy- methamphetamine within 1,000 feet of school

ORS 475.874  Unlawful possession of 3,4-methylenedi-oxymethamphetamine

ORS 475.876  Unlawful manufacture of cocaine

ORS 475.878  Unlawful manufacture of cocaine within 1,000 feet of school

ORS 475.880  Unlawful delivery of cocaine

ORS 475.882  Unlawful delivery of cocaine within 1,000 feet of school

ORS 475.884  Unlawful possession of cocaine

ORS 475.886  Unlawful manufacture of methamphetamine

ORS 475.888  Unlawful manufacture of methamphetamine within 1,000 feet of school

ORS 475.890  Unlawful delivery of methamphetamine

ORS 475.892  Unlawful delivery of methamphetamine within 1,000 feet of school

ORS 475.894  Unlawful possession of methamphetamine

ORS 475.904  Unlawful manufacture or delivery of controlled substance within 1,000 feet of school

ORS 475.908  Causing another person to ingest a controlled substance

ORS 475.912  Unlawful delivery of imitation controlled substance

ORS 475.914  Prohibited acts for registrants; penalties

ORS 475.916  Prohibited acts involving records and fraud

ORS 475.918  Falsifying drug test results

ORS 475.920  Providing drug test falsification equipment

ORS 475.950  Failure to report precursor substances transaction

ORS 475.955  Failure to report missing precursor substances

ORS 475.960  Illegally selling drug equipment

ORS 475.965  Providing false information on precursor substances report or record

ORS 475.967  Possession of precursor substance with intent to manufacture controlled substance

ORS 475.969  Unlawful possession of phosphorus

ORS 475.971  Unlawful possession of anhydrous ammonia

ORS 475.975  Unlawful possession of iodine in its elemental form; recording transfers; unlawful distribution of iodine in its elemental form 

ORS 475.976  Unlawful possession of iodine matrix; recording transfers; unlawful distribution of iodine matrix

ORS 475.977  Possessing or disposing of methamphetamine manufacturing waste

ORS 475.979  Unlawful possession of lithium metal or sodium metal

ORS 517.130  Mineral trespass

ORS 517.133  Interfering with a mining operation.

ORS 702.032  Offering anything of value to student athlete as contract inducement prohibited

ORS 703.990  Criminal penalties for polygraph examiners

ORS 703.993  Criminal penalties for investigators

ORS 717.905  Money Transmission Offense

ORS 803.085  Selling untitled vehicle prohibited

ORS 803.114  Knowingly submitting false notice of transfer

ORS 803.116  Knowingly submitting false information about transfer of interest in vehicle

ORS 803.225  Failure to designate replica, reconstructed, assembled or specially constructed vehicle in title or registration application

ORS 803.230  Forging, altering or unlawfully producing or using title or registration

ORS 803.375  False application for vehicle registration;

ORS 803.385  False swearing relating to registration;

ORS 806.050  Falsification of financial responsibility

ORS 806.055  Giving false information about liability insurance to police officer

ORS 806.300  Failure to surrender license and registration on cancellation of future responsibility filing

ORS 811.060  Vehicular assault of bicyclist or pedestrian

ORS 811.127  Organizing a speed racing event

ORS 811.140  Reckless driving

ORS 811.172  Improperly disposing of human waste

ORS 811.182  Criminal driving while suspended or revoked

ORS 811.231  Reckless endangerment of highway workers

ORS 811.540  Fleeing or attempting to elude police officer

ORS 811.700  Failure to perform duties of driver when property is damaged

ORS 811.705  Failure to perform duties of driver to injured persons

ORS 811.740  False Accident Report

ORS 813.010  Driving under the influence of intoxicants

ORS 815.410  Illegal odometer tampering;

ORS 815.415  Unlawful repair of odometer

ORS 815.420  Unlawfully removing odometer repair notice

ORS 815.425  Failure to submit odometer disclosure

ORS 815.440  Unauthorized possession, use or distribution of traffic control signal operating device

ORS 819.010  Failure to comply with requirements for destruction of vehicle;

ORS 819.012  Failure to follow procedures for a totaled vehicle

ORS 819.018  Failure to notify subsequent purchaser of condition of vehicle

ORS 819.040  Illegal salvage procedures

ORS 819.300  Possession of a stolen vehicle

ORS 819.310  Trafficking in stolen vehicles

ORS 819.420  Failure to obtain vehicle identification number for vehicle with altered or removed number;

ORS 819.430  Trafficking in vehicles with destroyed or altered identification numbers

ORS 822.045  Vehicle dealer offenses

ORS 822.055  Failure to return revoked, canceled or suspended certificate

ORS 822.060  Illegal consignment practices

ORS 822.065  Violation of consigned vehicle transfer

ORS 822.070  Conducting illegal vehicle rebuilding business

ORS 822.090  Unlawful subleasing of motor vehicle

ORS 822.100  Conducting a motor vehicle dismantling business without a certificate

ORS 822.135  Improperly conducting motor vehicle dismantling business

ORS 822.150  Failure to return revoked, canceled or suspended certificate or identification card;

ORS 822.200  Operating illegal towing business;

ORS 822.325  Failure to return revoked or suspended certificate

ORS 822.500  Operating commercial driver training school without certificate

ORS 822.520  Failure to return revoked, suspended or canceled commercial driver training school certificate

ORS 822.525  Acting as driver training instructor without certificate;

ORS 822.605  False swearing relating to regulation of vehicle related businesses  


How do I contact David Lesh for help with my case?


Mr. Lesh does not charge for an initial consultation.  Call his office at 503.546.2928 to speak with him.  Mr. Lesh's law office is located at 434 NW 19th Avenue in Portland, Oregon. 


David N Lesh


About the Author: 

David Lesh is a Portland attorney emphasizing the defense of serious criminal charges.  He has been a member of the Oregon State Bar since 1990.  Mr. Lesh is a former Multnomah County prosecutor (5 years) and lawyer to the Portland Police Bureau (3 years).  He was named an Oregon Super Lawyer in 2018 - 2024.  His law practice has an A+ BBB rating.
Office Location:  434 NW 19th Avenue; Portland, OR  97209
Phone:  503.546.2928   |   Fax:  503.296.2935
Email: info @ (no spaces)

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"I defend and help people facing criminal charges in the Portland metro area. 
Call me today at 503.546.2928 for immediate assistance with your criminal case."

"Should you hire me to represent you, I will be your lawyer and point of contact.
I don't use-low level associates, paralegals, legal assistants, or case managers.
I personally respond to your phone calls and emails; I meet with you; I appear with you in court."


"David is extremely knowledgeable and an expert in the courtroom." 


W. Mitchell

5 stars


Websites, including this site, provide general information but do not provide legal advice or create an attorney / client relationship.  Consult qualified Oregon lawyers / attorneys for advice about your specific situation.  Oregon defense attorneys are governed by the Oregon Code of Professional Responsibility.  This website may be considered an advertisement for services under the Code of Professional Responsibility.  Information contained in this website is believed to be accurate but is not warranted or guaranteed.  By David N Lesh,  All reviews and testimonials on this site are real and were unsolicited.


Oregon DUII Guide

Oregon DUII Diversion Guide


David Lesh provides criminal defense assistance to the cities of:  Portland Ore., Portland OR, NW Northwest, SW Southwest, SE Southeast, NE Northeast, and N North; Gresham; Beaverton; Hillsboro; Tigard; Lake Oswego; McMinnville; Oregon City; Tualatin; West Linn; Woodburn; Milwaukie; Forest Grove; Wilsonville; Troutdale; Sherwood; Canby; and Multnomah County; Clackamas County; and Washington Counties.  Read our privacy statement.  Mr. Lesh accepts American Express, Discover, Visa and MasterCard credit cards / card.  Copyright 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006.  Statute of limitations.